Transcription factories in a Hela cell [from Cook PR (1999) Science 284, 1790]

Nuclear Structure and Function Research Group

Peter R Cook's reading lists, etc

based on his book 'Principles of Nuclear Structure and Function'

Book / local site

A comprehensive reading list covering topics in 'Principles of Nuclear Structure and Function' by Peter R Cook [Order] [Publisher's page].

This reading list is not being up-dated regularly. It covers:
Some principles
The regulation of gene expression
The cell cycle
Meiosis and recombination

Web sites of general interest

Online tutorials and courses in cell biology and chemistry

Online writing tools. Advice on how to write, use 'Word' and 'Powerpoint', download and manipulate molecular structures, and much more.

Some details about the book
It is explicitly or implicitly assumed in most textbooks that polymerases track along their templates as they work. See this textbook for an alternative that fits the data!
Description, Preface, Author Bio
Table of Contents
• Sample Chapter. Go via to see one on replication.
Some questions for review (without answers)
Some questions for review (with answers)
Some essay questions (without answers)


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