Transcription factories in a Hela cell [from Cook PR (1999) Science 284, 1790]

Nuclear Structure and Function Research Group

Peter R Cook's reading lists, etc

based on his book 'Principles of Nuclear Structure and Function'

Book / Reading lists / Chapter 8: Meiosis and recombination
Updated on 22 August, 2013

    The synaptonemal complex
    Chiasmata and chromosome segregation
    The production of gametes
    The principles involed in strand exchange
        Box 8-1. RecBCD, RecA, and general recombination
    Gene conversion
    General recombination in eukaryotes
    Gene targeting in eukaryotes
        Box 8-2. The ARG4 recombination site in budding yeast
Chromosome pairing

Web link: Mendel archive. Cell biology tutorial from the University of Arizona. Go to 'Twisted sisters'.

Figure: 8-1, 8-2, 8-3.
Roeder, G.S. (1995). Sex and the single cell: meiosis in yeast. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92, 10450-10456. [PubMed] [Full text]
Zickler, D. and Kleckner, N. (1999). Meiotic chromosomes: integrating structure and function. Annu. Rev. Genet. 33, 603-754. [PubMed]
Additional reference:
Hawley, R.S. (2007). Meiosis in living color: fluorescence-based tetrad analysis in Arabidopsis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104, 3673-3674. [PubMed]
Hochwagen, A. (2008). Meiosis. Curr. Biol. 18, R641-645. [PubMed]
Phadnis, N., Hyppa, R.W., and Smith, G.R. (2011). New and old ways to control meiotic recombination. Trends Genet. 27, 411-421. [PubMed]

Web link: Meiosis page. Movies of meiosis.

The synaptonemal complex
Figure: 8-4, 8-5.
Carpenter, A.T.C. (1987). Gene conversion, recombination nodules, and the initiation of meiotic synapsis. BioEssays 6, 232-236.
Hasenkampf, C.A. (1996). The synaptonemal complex - a chaperone of crossing over. Chromosome Res. 4, 133-140. [PubMed]
Additional reference:
Hochwagen, A. (2009). Meiosis: making a synaptonemal complex just got easier. Curr. Biol. 19, R849-851. [PubMed]
Fraune, J., Schramm, S., Alsheimer, M., and Benavente, R. (2012). The mammalian synaptonemal complex: protein components., assembly and role in meiotic recombination. Exp. Cell Res. 318, 1340-1346. [PubMed]

Chiasmata and chromosome segregation
Rappold, G.A. (1993). The pseudoautosomal regions of the human sex chromosomes. Hum. Genet. 92, 315-324. [PubMed]
Carpenter, A.T.C. (1994). Chiasma function. Cell 77, 959-962.
Moore, D.P. and Orr-Weaver, T.L. (1998). Chromosome segregation during meiosis: building an unambivalent bivalent. Current Topics Dev. Biol. 37, 263-299. [PubMed]
Additional reference:
Bhalla, N., and Dernburg, A.F. (2008). Prelude to a division. Annu. Rev. Cell Biol. 24, 397-424. [PubMed]
Martinez-Perez, E., and Colaiácovo, M.P. (2009). Distribution of meiotic recombination events: talking to your neighbors. Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev. 19, 105-112. [PubMed]

The production of gametes
Gilbert, S.F. (1994). 'Developmental biology'. 4th edition. Sinauer Associates Inc.. Sunderland, Mass.
Additional reference:
Wassarman, P.M., Jovine, L. and Litscher, E.S. (2001). A profile of fertilization in mammals. Nature Cell Biol. 3, E59-E64. [PubMed]
Web link: Various topics on gametogenesis.

Figure: 8-6.
Stahl, F. (1996). Meiotic recombination in yeast: coronation of the double-strand break repair model. Cell 87, 965-968.
Additional reference:
Heyer, W.D. and Kanaar, R. (2004).  Recombination mechanisms; fortieth anniversary meeting of the Holliday model.  Mol. Cell. 16, 1-9.  [PubMed]
Krejci, L., Altmannova, V., Spirek, M., and Zhao, X. (2012). Homologous recombination and its regulation. Nucleic Acids Res 40, 5795-5818. [PubMed]
Longhese, M.P., Bonetti, D., Guerini, I., Manfrini, N., and Clerici, M. (2009). DNA double-strand breaks in meiosis: checking their formation, processing and repair. DNA Repair 8, 1127-1138. [PubMed]
Lucas, J.S., Bossen, C., Murre, C. (2011). Transcription and recombination factories: common features? Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 23, 318-324. [PubMed]
Mazón, G., Mimitou, E.P., and Symington, L.S. (2010). SnapShot: Homologous recombination in DNA double-strand break repair. Cell 142, 648. [PubMed]
Mimitou, E.P., and Symington, L.S. (2009). Nucleases and helicases take center stage in homologous recombination. Trends Biochem. 34, 264-272. [PubMed]

Principles involved in strand exchange
Figure: 8-7, 8-8, 8-9.
Camerini-Otero, R.D. and Hsieh, P. (1995). Homologous recombination proteins in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Annu Rev. Genet. 29, 509-552. [PubMed]
Stahl, F. (1996). Meiotic recombination in yeast: coronation of the double-strand break repair model. Cell 87, 965-968.
Additional reference:
Mimitou, E.P., and Symington, L.S. (2009). Nucleases and helicases take center stage in homologous recombination. Trends Biochem. 34, 264-272. [PubMed]

Box 8-1. RecBCD, RecA, and general recombination
Camerini-Otero, R.D. and Hsieh, P. (1995). Homologous recombination proteins in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Annu Rev. Genet. 29, 509-552. [PubMed]
Additional reference:
Cox, M.M. (2007). Motoring along with the bacterial RecA protein. Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 8, 127-138. [PubMed]
Krejci, L., Altmannova, V., Spirek, M., and Zhao, X. (2012). Homologous recombination and its regulation. Nucleic Acids Res 40, 5795-5818. [PubMed]

Gene conversion
Figure: 8-10.
Carpenter, A.T.C. (1987). Gene conversion, recombination nodules, and the initiation of meiotic synapsis. BioEssays 6, 232-236.
Additional reference:
Benovoy, D., and Drouin, G. (2009). Ectopic gene conversions in the human genome. Genomics 93, 27-32. [PubMed]
Santoyo, G. and Romero, D. (2005). Gene conversion and concerted evolution in bacterial genomes. FEMS Micro. Rev. 29, 169-183. [PubMed]

General recombination in eukaryotes
Figure: 8-11.
Stahl, F. (1996). Meiotic recombination in yeast: coronation of the double-strand break repair model. Cell 87, 965-968.
Additional reference:
Gerton, J.L., DeRisi, J., Shroff, R., Lichten, M., Brown, P.O. and Petes, T.D. (2000). Global mapping of meiotic recombination hotspots and coldspots in the yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 97, 11383-11390. [PubMed] [Full text]
Ishino, Y., Nishino, T., and Morikawa, K. (2006). Mechanisms of maintaining genetic stability by homologous recombination. Chem. Rev. 106, 324-339. [PubMed]
Krejci, L., Altmannova, V., Spirek, M., and Zhao, X. (2012). Homologous recombination and its regulation. Nucleic Acids Res 40, 5795-5818. [PubMed]
Myers, S., Bottolo, L., Freeman, C., McVean, G. and Donnelly, P. (2005).  A fine-scale map of recombination rates and hotspots across the human genome.  Science 310, 321-324.  [PubMed]
Nishant, K.T., and Rao, M.R. (2006). Molecular features of meiotic recombination hot spots. Bioessays 28, 45-56. [PubMed]

Gene targeting in eukaryotes (additional section)
Additional reference:
Carroll, D. (2011). Genome engineering with zinc-finger nucleases. Genetics 188, 773-782. [PubMed]
Santiago, Y., Chan, E., Liu, P.Q., Orlando, S., Zhang, L., Urnov, F.D., Holmes, M.C., Guschin, D., Waite, A., Miller, J.C., Rebar, E.J., Gregory, P.D., Klug, A., and Collingwood, T.N. (2008). Targeted gene knockout in mammalian cells by using engineered zinc-finger nucleases. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 105, 5809-5814. [PubMed]
Young, J.K., and Sander, J.D. (2013). TALENs: a widely applicable technology for targeted genome editing. Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 14, 49-55. [PubMed]

Box 8-2. The ARG4 recombination site in budding yeast
Sun, H., Treco, D. and Szostak, J.W. (1991). Extensive 3'-overhanging, single-stranded DNA associated with the meiosis-specific double-strand breaks at the ARG4 recombination initiation site. Cell 64, 1155-1161. [PubMed]
Additional reference:
Arnheim, N., Calabrese, P., and Tiemann-Boege, I. (2007). Mammalian meiotic recombination hot spots. Annu. Rev. Genet. 41, 369-399. [PubMed]
Nishant, K.T., and Rao, M.R. (2006). Molecular features of meiotic recombination hot spots. Bioessays 28, 45-56. [PubMed]

Chromosome pairing
Figure: 8-12, 8-13.
Hawley, R.S. and Arbel, T. (1993). Yeast genetics and the fall of the classical view of meiosis. Cell 72, 301-303.
Hiraoka, Y., Dernburg, A.F., Parmalee, A.F., Rykowski, M.C., Agard, D.A. and Sedat, J.W. (1993). The onset of homologous chromosome pairing during Drosophila melanogaster embryogenesis. J. Cell Biol. 120, 591-600. [PubMed]
Loidl, J. (1994). Cytological aspects of meiotic recombination. Experientia 50, 285-294. [PubMed]
Cook, P.R. (1997). The transcriptional basis of chromosome pairing. J. Cell Sci. 110, 1033-1040. [PubMed] [Full text]
Zickler, D. and Kleckner, N. (1999). Meiotic chromosomes: integrating structure and function. Annu. Rev. Genet. 33, 603-754. [PubMed]
Additional reference:
Barzel, A., and Kupiec, M. (2008). Finding a match: how do homologous sequences get together for recombination? Nat. Rev. Genet. 9, 27-37. [PubMed]
Bhalla, N., and Dernburg, A.F. (2008). Prelude to a division. Annu. Rev. Cell Biol. 24, 397-424. [PubMed]
Moore, G., and Shaw, P. (2009). Improving the chances of finding the right partner. Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev. 19, 99-104. [PubMed]
Tsai, J.H., and McKee, B.D. (2011). Homologous pairing and the role of pairing centers in meiosis. J Cell Sci 124, 1955-1963. [PubMed]
Xu, M., and Cook, P.R. (2008). The role of specialized transcription factories in chromosome pairing. Biochem. Biophys. Acta, 1783, 2155-2160. [PubMed]

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