Transcription factories in a Hela cell [from Cook PR (1999) Science 284, 1790]

Nuclear Structure and Function Research Group


Welcome to the Cook lab (personal page) – home of DNA loops, transcription factories, and the pan-genomic model.
Peter Cook has retired, but is still engaged in research in two areas:

A model for genome organization and gene regulation

1. Transcription factories and the pan-genomic model:
See how genomes are organized and how genes are regulated:
  A mini-review.
  Short YouTube videos:
    '1 Principles'
    '2 Classical mechanism'
    '3 Small-world networks'
    '4 Transcription factories'
    '5 How regulatory motifs work'
    '6 A simple formula ...'
    '7 Conclusions'
    '8 FAQs'.

Fluid walls can confine different volumes

2. Microfluidics with fluid walls:
We are developing simple ways of doing microfluidics that are transforming the way small volumes are handled in the biosciences (review).

iotaSciences Ltd is commercializing this technology.

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