Paul Fairchild's Publications
Publications listed with most recent first:

- Lui KO, Boyd AS, Cobbold SP, Waldmann H, Fairchild PJ.
- 2010
- A Role for Regulatory T Cells in Acceptance of Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Tissues Transplanted Across an MHC Barrier.
- Stem Cells. 2010 Aug 24. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 20737577.

- Boyd AS, Fairchild PJ.
- 2010
- Approaches for immunological tolerance induction to stem cell-derived cell replacement therapies.
- Expert Rev Clin Immunol. 2010 May;6(3):435-48. Review. PubMed PMID: 20441429.

- Farquhar CA, Paterson AM, Cobbold SP, Garcia Rueda H, Fairchild PJ, Yates SF,
Adams E, Saunders NJ, Waldmann H, Nolan KF.
- 2010
- Tolerogenicity is not an absolute property of a dendritic cell.
- Eur J Immunol. 2010 Jun;40(6):1728-37. PubMed PMID: 20373289.

- Tseng SY, Nishimoto KP, Silk KM, Majumdar AS, Dawes GN, Waldmann H, Fairchild
PJ, Lebkowski JS, Reddy A.
- 2009
- Generation of immunogenic dendritic cells from human
embryonic stem cells without serum and feeder cells.
- Regen Med. 2009 Jul;4(4):513-26. PubMed PMID: 19580370.

- Cobbold SP, Adams E, Farquhar CA, Nolan KF, Howie D, Lui KO, Fairchild PJ,
Mellor AL, Ron D, Waldmann H.
- 2009
- Infectious tolerance via the consumption of essential amino acids and mTOR signaling.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 Jul 21;106(29):12055-60.
Epub 2009 Jun 30. PubMed PMID: 19567830; PubMed Central
PMCID: PMC2704109.

- Fairchild PJ.
- 2009
- Transplantation tolerance in an age of induced pluripotency.
- Curr Opin Organ Transplant. 2009 Aug;14(4):321-5. Review. PubMed PMID: 19542888.

- Silk KM, Fairchild PJ.
- 2009
- Harnessing dendritic cells for the induction of
transplantation tolerance.
- Curr Opin Organ Transplant. 2009 Aug;14(4):344-50.
Review. PubMed PMID: 19417656.

- Lui KO, Waldmann H, Fairchild PJ.
- 2009
- Embryonic stem cells: overcoming the immunological barriers to cell replacement therapy.
- Curr Stem Cell Res Ther. 2009 Jan;4(1):70-80. Review. PubMed PMID: 19149632.
- Waldmann H, Adams E, Fairchild P, Cobbold S.
- 2008
- Regulation and Privilege in Transplantation Tolerance.
- J Clin Immunol. 2008 Sep 6. [Epub ahead of print]
- Robertson NJ, Brook FA, Gardner RL, Cobbold SP, Waldmann H, Fairchild PJ.
- 2007
- Embryonic stem cell-derived tissues are immunogenic but their inherent immune
privilege promotes the induction of tolerance.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Dec 26;104(52):20920-5. Epub 2007 Dec 18.
- Robertson NJ, Fairchild PJ, Waldmann H.
- 2007
- Ectopic transplantation of tissues under the kidney capsule.
- Methods Mol Biol. 2007;380:347-53.
- Fairchild PJ, Nolan KF, Waldmann H.
- 2007
- Genetic modification of dendritic cells through the directed differentiation of
embryonic stem cells.
- Methods Mol Biol. 2007;380:59-72.
- Fairchild PJ, Robertson NJ, Minger SL, Waldmann H.
- 2007
- Embryonic stem cells: protecting pluripotency from alloreactivity.
- Curr Opin Immunol. 2007 Oct;19(5):596-602. Epub 2007 Aug 20. Review.
- Yates SF, Paterson AM, Nolan KF, Cobbold SP, Saunders NJ, Waldmann H,
Fairchild PJ.
- 2007
- Induction of regulatory T cells and dominant tolerance by dendritic cells
incapable of full activation.
- J Immunol. 2007 Jul 15;179(2):967-76.
- Fairchild PJ, Robertson NJ, Cartland S, Nolan KF, Waldmann H.
- 2005
- Cell replacement therapy and the evasion of destructive immunity.
- Stem Cell Rev. 2005;1(2):159-67. Review.
- Cobbold SP, Adams E, Graca L, Daley S, Yates S, Paterson A, Robertson NJ,
Nolan KF, Fairchild PJ, Waldmann H.
- 2006
- Immune privilege induced by regulatory T cells in transplantation tolerance.
- Immunol Rev. 2006 Oct;213:239-55. Review.
- Waldmann H, Adams E, Fairchild P, Cobbold S.
- 2006
- Infectious tolerance and the long-term acceptance of transplanted tissue.
- Immunol Rev. 2006 Aug;212:301-13. Review.
- Graca L, Daley S, Fairchild PJ, Cobbold SP, Waldmann H.
- 2006
- Co-receptor and co-stimulation blockade for mixed chimerism and tolerance without
myelosuppressive conditioning.
- BMC Immunol. 2006 Apr 25;7:9.
- Waldmann H, Chen TC, Graca L, Adams E, Daley S, Cobbold S, Fairchild PJ.
- 2006
- Regulatory T cells in transplantation.
- Semin Immunol. 2006 Apr;18(2):111-9. Epub 2006 Feb 14. Review.
- Waldmann H, Graca L, Adams E, Fairchild P, Cobbold S.
- 2005
- Regulatory T cells in transplantation tolerance.
- Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 2005;293:249-64. Review.
- Fairchild PJ, Nolan KF, Cartland S, Waldmann H.
- 2005
- Embryonic stem cells: a novel source of dendritic cells for clinical
- Int Immunopharmacol. 2005 Jan;5(1):13-21.
- Fairchild PJ, Cartland S, Nolan KF, Waldmann H.
- 2004
- Embryonic stem cells and the challenge of transplantation tolerance.
- Trends Immunol. 2004 Sep;25(9):465-70. Review.
- Graca L, Le Moine A, Lin CY, Fairchild PJ, Cobbold SP, Waldmann H.
- Donor-specific transplantation tolerance: the paradoxical behavior of CD4+CD25+ T
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 Jul 6;101(27):10122-6. Epub 2004 Jun 24.
- Chen, T-C., Waldmann, H., Fairchild, PJ.
- 2004
- Induction of dominant transplantation tolerance by an altered peptide ligand of the male antigen, Dby.
- J. Clin. Invest. 113: 1754-1762.
Abstract |
Article |
- Chen, T-C., Cobbold, SP., Fairchild, PJ., Waldmann, H.
- 2004
- Generation of anergic and regulatory T cells following prolonged exposure to a harmless antigen.
- J. Immunol. 172: 5900-5907.
Abstract |
Article |
(Article and PDF formats only available to JI subscribers)
- Nolan KF, Strong V, Soler D, Fairchild PJ, Cobbold SP, Croxton R, Gonzalo
JA, Rubio A, Wells M, Waldmann H.
- 2004
- IL-10-conditioned dendritic cells, decommissioned for recruitment of adaptive
immunity, elicit innate inflammatory gene products in response to danger
- J Immunol. 172(4):2201-9.
Abstract |
Article |
(Article and PDF formats only available to JI subscribers)
- Cobbold, SP., Nolan, K., Graca, L., Castejon, R., LeMoine, A., Frewin, M.,
Humm, S., Adams, E., Thompson, S., Zelenika, D., Paterson, A., Yates, S.,
Fairchild, PJ., Waldmann, H.
- 2003
- Regulatory T cells and Dendritic cells in Transplantation Tolerance: molecular markers and mechanisms.
- Immunol. Reviews 196: 109-124.
- Fairchild, PJ., Nolan, KF., Graca, L., Waldmann, H.
- 2003
- Stable lines of genetically modified dendritic cells from mouse embryonic stem cells.
- Transplantation, 76: 606-608.
- Fairchild, PJ., Nolan, KF., Waldmann, H.
- 2003
- Probing dendritic cell function by guiding the differentiation of embryonic stem cells.
- Methods Enzymol. 365: 169-186.
- Fairchild, PJ., Brook, RL., Gardner, L., Graca, L., Strong, V., Tone, Y., Tone, M., Nolan, KF., Waldmann, H.
- 2001
- Directed differentiation of dendritic cells from mouse embryonic stem cells: a novel tool for identifying targets for
- in Dodet, B., and Vicari, M. (Eds)
- Pluripotent stem cells: therapeutic perspectives and ethical issues. pp 25-38.
- John Libbey Eurotext, Paris (Pub)
- Waldmann, H., Cobbold, SP., Fairchild, P. and Adams, E.
- 2001
- Therapeutic aspects of tolerance.
- Current Opinions in Pharmacology 1: 392-397.
- Tone M, Tone Y, Fairchild PJ, Wykes M, Waldmann H.
- Regulation of CD40 function by its isoforms generated through alternative
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2001 Feb 13;98(4):1751-6.
- Fairchild PJ, Brook FA, Gardner RL, Graca L, Strong V, Tone Y, Tone M, Nolan
KF, Waldmann H.
- Directed differentiation of dendritic cells from mouse embryonic stem cells.
- Curr Biol. 2000 Nov 30;10(23):1515-8.
- Fairchild PJ, Waldmann H.
- Dendritic cells and prospects for transplantation tolerance.
- Curr Opin Immunol. 2000 Oct;12(5):528-35. Review.
- Fairchild PJ, Waldmann H.
- Extrathymic signals regulate the onset of T cell repertoire selection.
- Eur J Immunol. 2000 Jul;30(7):1948-56.
- Fairchild PJ.
- Reversal of immunodominance among autoantigenic T-cell epitopes.
- Autoimmunity. 1999;30(4):209-21. Review.
- Fairchild, P.J., Tone, M., Strong, V. and Nolan, K.F. (2000)
- Spanning innate and adaptive immunity: A role for interleukin-18.
- Int. Rev. Immunol. In Press.
- Fairchild, P.J. (1999)
- Reversal of immunodominance among autoantigenic T-cell epitopes.
- Autoimmunity 30(4):209-21.
- Babik, J.M., Adams, E., Tone, Y., Fairchild, P.J., Tone, M. and Waldmann H. (1999)
- Expression of murine interleukin-12 is regulated by translational control of the p35 subunit.
- J. Immunol. 162: 4069-4078.
Abstract |
Article |
(Article and PDF formats only available to JI subscribers)
- Fairchild, P.J. (1998)
- Presentation of antigenic peptides by products of the Major Histocompatibility Complex.
- J Peptide Science 4(3):182-194.
- Tone, M., Thompson, S.A.J., Tone, Y., Fairchild, P.J. and Waldmann, H. (1997)
- Regulation of interleukin-18 (interferon-g-inducing factor) gene expression.
- J. Immunol. 159:6156-6163.
- Fairchild, P.J. (1997)
- Altered peptide ligands: prospects for immune intervention in autoimmune
- Eur. J. Immunogenetics 24: 155-167.
- Fairchild, P.J. and D.C. Wraith (1996)
- Lowering the tone: mechanisms of
immunodominance among epitopes with low affinity for MHC.
- Immunol Today 17(2):80-85
- Brocke, S, K. Gijbels, M. Allegretta, I. Ferber, C. Piercy, T. Blankenstein, R. Martin, U.
Utz, N. Karin, D. Mitchell, T. Veromaa, A. Waisman, A. Gaur, P. Conlon, N. Ling, P.J.
Fairchild, D.C. Wraith, A. O'Garra, C.G. Fathman and L. Steinman (1996)
- Treatment of
experimental encephalomyelitis with a peptide analogue of myelin basic protein.
- Nature
- Fairchild, P.J., H. Franks and D.C. Wraith (1996)
- The nature of cryptic epitopes within the
self-antigen myelin basic protein.
- Int Immunol 9: 1035-43.
- Fairchild, P.J. and J.M. Austyn (1995)
- Developmental changes predispose the fetal thymus
to positive selection of CD4+CD8- T cells.
- Immunol 85:292-298
- Fairchild, P.J., E.S. Cohen and D.C. Wraith (1995)
- Processing of myelin basic protein by
macrophages generates an epitope with apparent low affinity for I-As.
- Biochem Soc Trans
- Liu, G.Y., P.J. Fairchild, R.M. Smith, J.R. Prowle, D. Kioussis and D.C. Wraith (1995)
- Low avidity recognition of self-antigen by T cells permits escape from central tolerance.
- Immunity 3:407-415 (Joint first authorship)
- Fairchild, P.J. and H.C. Macgregor (1994)
- Lampbrush chromosomes: asymmetric loops.
- Cur Biol 4:919.
- Fairchild, P.J., C.J. Thorpe, P.J. Travers and D.C. Wraith (1994)
- Modulation of the
immune response with T-cell epitopes: the ultimate goal for specific immunotherapy of
autoimmune disease.
- Immunol 81:487-496
- Fairchild, P.J., R. Wildgoose, E. Atherton, S. Webb, and D.C. Wraith (1993)
- An
autoantigenic T cell epitope forms unstable complexes with class II MHC: a novel route for
escape from tolerance induction.
- Int Immunol 5:1151-1158
- Fairchild, P.J. and J.M. Austyn (1993)
- Chimeric thymus rudiments: a strategy for the study
of tolerance induction in vitro.
- ImmunoMethods 2:145-158
- Smith, R.M. and P.J. Fairchild (1992)
- Monoclonal antibodies: harnessing the potential.
- Sci
Progress 76:323-343
- Wraith, D.C., B. Bruun and P.J., Fairchild (1992)
- Cross-reactive antigen recognition by an
encephalitogenic T cell receptor. Implications for T cell biology and autoimmunity.
- J
Immunol 149:3765-3770
- Fairchild, P.J. and D.C. Wraith (1992)
- Peptide-MHC interaction in autoimmunity.
- Cur Opin
Immunol 4:748-753
- Fairchild, P.J. and J.M. Austyn (1990)
- Thymic dendritic cells: phenotype and function.
- Int
Rev Immunol 6:187-196
Last updated 2nd September 2010