Monday 13-Jul Tuesday 14-Jul Wednesday 15-Jul Thursday 16-Jul Friday 17-Jul Saturday 18-Jul Sunday 19-Jul
830- Opening Ceremony Intro. to Proposal Development Practical Exercises    Proposal Development 2 Interactive Practical Practical Exercises    
    All   Fluor. Micros. Flow Cytometry All   Regulation & experimental man- Genomics and bioinformatics Trip to Cape Coast  
Workshop Plans and Goals     (split into groups)       ipulation of trypanosome gene (Intro to practical exercises)    
Staff and Student Introductions     Gluenz, Roos,      expression (Intro to practical) Roos, Wickstead    
All       McIntosh,  Wickstead,     Gull          
        Stearns Osman                
1000 tea/coffee   tea/coffee   tea/coffee   tea/coffee   tea/coffee   tea/coffee      
1030- Lecture   Lecture   continues continues Lecture   Functional Analysis of T. brucei   continues    
Cell biology of hosts & parasites Antigenic variation in     Research needs in eforts to (split into groups)          
McIntosh   African trypanosomes     eradicate tsetse fly vectors I            
Integrating parasite cell biology Gluenz       Mahama,              
with biochemistry, immunology, Innovative diagnostics for     Sidibe׳              
and genomics African trypanosomes     I              
Roos   Bosompen                  
1230 LUNCH (meeting of tutors) LUNCH   LUNCH   LUNCH   LUNCH   LUNCH      
1330- Lecture   Journal Club 2 Practical Exercises Journal Club 3 continues continues Open Time    
Cell biology of the eukaryotic RAP1 in the silencing Flow Cytometry Fluor. Micros. Upregulation of a     for working on additional    
  cytoskeleton of VSGs   (split into groups)   VAR gene     bioinformatics exercises,    
  Stearns   Journal Club 2 Roos,  Gluenz, Journal Club 3     or proposals, or for other      
  Trypanosome cell biology: the   As in JC 1 Wickstead, McIntosh,  Deitsch, Roos, Stearns     activities      
  cytoskeleton, motility & behavior     Osman Stearns Beiting, Gluenz              
1500 tea/coffee   tea/coffee   tea/coffee   tea/coffee   tea/coffee   tea/coffee      
1530- Journal Club 1  Lecture   continues continues Lecture   continues continues continues      
1730 Protein Tyrosine Membrane dynamics of       Genetic approaches            
  phosphatases host and parasite cells     to cell biology            
  Journal Club 1    Osman       Stearns              
  Gull, Gluenz, Wickstead Using fluorescence to study     Mechanisms for retulating            
  Roos, McIntosh cell structure and function     gene expression            
         McIntosh       Deitsch              
1900- iBio Seminar & Discussion Lecture   iBio Seminar & Discussion Open Time iBio Seminar & Discussion Open Time Lecture  
2030 The Cell Biology of Drug & vaccine target discovery The Cell Biology of available for working on Cell Biology of the Immune available for working on Introduction to malaria: Plasmo-
Trypanosoma cruzi and bioinformatics Host-Pathogen Interactions or exercises proposals   Response   or exercises proposals   dium life cycles & pathogenesis
Norma Andrews, Gluenz Roos   Stan Falkow, Wickstead     Ira Mellman, Stearns     Scherf  
  Monday 20-Jul Tuesday 21-Jul Wednesday 22-Jul Thursday 23-Jul Friday 24-Jul Saturday 25-Jul
830- Lecture   Interactive Practical Practical Exercises   Lecture   Lecture      
Molecular biology of antigenic Experimental manipulation of Electrophoresis Western blotting Entomological aspects of malaria Using cell and molecular  Departure  
variation in Plasmodium P. falciparum (Intro to practical) (split into groups)   Appawu   biology to tackle hard     
Deitsch   Roos, Deitsch, Scherf     Epidemiology of malaria biomedical problems    
            Koram   McIntosh      
1000 tea/coffee   tea/coffee   tea/coffee   tea/coffee   tea/coffee      
1030- Lecture   Functional Analysis of Plasmodium   continues continues  Proposal Development 5 Student Presentations    
Variant surface antigens and the (split into groups)       All   All      
development of natural immunity                    
Molecular Biology of Antigenic Variation                    
1330- Journal Club 4 continues continues Practical Exercises Lecture   Student Presentations    
Exported proteins     Western blotting Electrophoresis Research ethics All      
  for Virulence     (split into groups)   Osman, Stearns        
  of P. falciparum         Funding opportunities        
  Journal Club 4         Roos, Scherf        
  Deitsch, Roos, Scherf                    
  Beiting, Gluenz                    
1500 tea/coffee   tea/coffee   tea/coffee   tea/coffee   tea/coffee      
1530-  Proposal Development 3 continues continues continues continues Open Time Student Presentations    
1730 All           available for working on All      
            or exercises proposals          
1900- iBio Seminar & Discussion  Proposal Development 4 iBio Seminar & Discussion iBio Seminar & Discussion Closing Ceremony and Party      
2030 Genomics of Malaria Students work on their Helenius iBio Membrane Traffic        
Joe DeRisi, Beiting projects individually or in groups David Roos Randy Schekman, Osman