Monday 07-Jul Tuesday 09-Jul Wednesday 08-Jul Thursday 10-Jul Friday 11-Jul Saturday Sunday 13-Jul
830- Opening Ceremony Sample size calculations: Proposal Development II Antigenic Variation GCP overview (1 hour) Trip to    
1000 Gwakisa   lecture & practical exercises All faculty (small group mtgs) Antigenic Variation in Trypanosomes Mutabingwa Mikumi    
Introductions, Workshop Plans  Bess Sorensen     Parsons            
and Goals           Antigenic Variation in Malaria Drug trials for pregnancy malaria      
Duffy, Gwakisa, McIntosh, Roos         Duffy   Mutabingwa      
tea/coffee   tea/coffee   tea/coffee   tea/coffee   tea/coffee        
1030- Cell Biological Systems Organellar Biology Motility and the cytoskeleton Introduction to Immunology Design an Interventional Trial      
1230 Cell biology of hosts & parasites Targeting proteins to Assembly and motility of Krzych   practical exercises      
McIntosh   membranous organelles apicomplexan parasites     Vaccine group      
Integrating parasite cell biology Parsons   Frischknecht? or Roos? Vaccines- liver stage          
with biochemistry, immunology, The DNA-containing organelles Motility of trypanosomatid Krzych            
and genomics of trypanosomatid parasites parasites                
Roos   Gluenz   Wickstead                
  LUNCH (meeting of tutors) LUNCH   LUNCH   LUNCH   LUNCH     LUNCH  
1330- Intro. to Proposal Development Microscopy Flow Cytometry Flow Cytometry Microscopy Vaccines- blood stage Design an Interventional Trial   Genomics & Bioinformatics II
1500 Parsons, McIntosh McIntosh, Gluenz Roos, Wichstead Roos, Wichstead McIntosh, Gluenz Fried, Duffy practical exercises   Drug and Vaccine targets
      (split into groups)   (split into groups)       Vaccine group   lecture & practical exercises
                        Roos, Myler
              A live vaccine for Theleria          
tea/coffee   tea/coffee   tea/coffee   tea/coffee   tea/coffee     tea/coffee  
1530- Proposal Development I         The malaria vaccine pipeline Genomics & Bioinformatics I   Proposal Development III
1730 All faculty (small group mtgs)         Culpepper   Introduction to genomes   All faculty (small group mtgs)
                Myler, Roos      
            Journal Club: Vaccines          
            Kryzch, Culpepper          
1730- Additional time for discussions, work on projects & proposals, help with bioinformatics, etc            
1930 last bus departs 1930                      
  Monday 14-Jul Tuesday 15-Jul Wednesday 16-Jul Thursday 17-Jul Friday 18-Jul Saturday KEY:    
830- Functional Analysis of Parasite Experiments, continued   Receptors and signaling in Biomarkers and disease Proposal Presentations Students Lecture titles indicated in blue
1000 Genes -- An Interactive Practical (split into groups)   Trypanosomes Fried   All faculty   Depart Lab exercises indicated by blue & Green bkg  
  Gull, Gluenz, Wickstead,      Gluenz, Wickstead, Gull           Proposal development indicated by yellow bkg
  McIntosh, Parsons                   Journal club discussions indicated by orange bkg
                        Cell biology theme indicated by pink background
                        Bioinformatics theme indicated by purple bkg
                        Please confirm/revise names indicated in red
  tea/coffee   tea/coffee   tea/coffee   tea/coffee   tea/coffee    
1030- Develop experimantal plan   Evaluate Data   Iron metabolism, receptors,   Research ethics Proposal Presentations  
1230 (split into groups)   (split into groups)   infectious disease   Small groups All faculty    
          Bressler et al          
1330- Review strategy Present findings Journal club: Iron metabolism   Funding opportunities: Proposal Presentations  
1500 (all)   (all)   Bressler et al NIH, UK, BMGF, WHO, other All faculty    
              Parsons, Gull, Culpepper      
  tea/coffee   tea/coffee   tea/coffee   tea/coffee   tea/coffee    
1530- Conduct experiments   Genomics & Bioinformatics III Proposal Development IV Proposal Presentations Closing Ceremony  
1730 (split into groups)   Pathways and signaling All faculty (small group mtgs) All faculty        
      Myler, Roos              
1730- Additional time for discussions, work on projects & proposals, help with bioinformatics, etc      
1930 last bus departs 1930