Oxford University
Sir William Dunn School of Pathology
Bio-Imaging Service
Technical Microsite
Bio-Imaging Service
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Home Page | Bio-Imaging Registration | Internal Users


See your supervisor to arrange a grant code for charging.




Make an appointment with IT, either by calling into the Computing Support Office, Basement, Main Building during the hours 1100-1200 and 1400-1500 or via help@path.ox.ac.uk




Visit IT making sure you take with you:

Your University Card
Your grant code
Full contact, supervisor and group details




Fill in a project form on the web (in BRIAN), either whilst in IT or later when you visit Bio-imaging.




Make an appointment with Bio-imaging, either by e-mailing bio-imaging@path.ox.ac.uk or by visiting room 214.00.36.




Visit Bio-imaging to discuss your project, complete your registration, and book a training session.

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