Therapeutic Immunology Group:

Past Members
Last known addresses/contact details:
Adrian Kendal
Adrian completed and submitted his D.Phil thesis in less than 3 years and has returned to a career in orthopedic surgery in Oxford.
Eleftherios Agorogiannis
Lefty successfully completed his D.Phil and has returned to his medical career. He can be E-mailed at
Frederico Regateiro
After spending a fruitful year with us as a post-doc, Fred has now returned to his medical career in Portugal and can be E-mailed at
Ye Chen
Ye successfully completed his D.Phil with us and has now returned to a medical career in Australia. His E-mail is
Claire Farquhar
Claire has now left us after successfully completing her D.Phil. She can be E-mailed on
Kathy Lui
Kathy has now left us after successfully completing her D.Phil. and has moved to the USA. She can be E-mailed at KOLUI@PARTNERS.ORG.
Mark Frewin
Mark Frewin ( has emigrated to Oz and is now the laboratory manager for the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research in Melbourne.
Lyn Poulton
Lynn has now returned to Australia and is a research scientist for Arana Therapeutics, Macquarie Park, NSW (Email:
Steve Daley
Steve Daley is continuing his research career at the John Curtin School of Medical Research, ANU, Canberra (Email:
Nathan Robertson
After a productive post doc with us, Nathan decided to take a break from science.
Alison Paterson
Alison ( now working in the Dept Pathology, Harvard Medical School, Boston with Arlene Sharpe.
Stephen Yates
Stephen is now working as a fully trained science teacher in a secondary school in Durham.
Luis Graca
Luis continues his career back in Lisbon, Portugal where he is working on inducing immune tolerance in asthma. He can be E-mailed at
Masahide and Yuki Tone
They have now moved to Philadelphia, USA to continue their careers. They can be E-mailed on
Tse-Ching Chen
Tse-Ching has now moved back to Taiwan, at the Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Dept. Pathology, after successfully completing his D.Phil.
Chun-Yen Lin
Chun successfully completed his D.Phil in Oxford and has now returned to Taiwan to continue
a career in clinical and academic medicine. He can be E-mailed on
Raquel Castejon
Raquel continued the projects started by Diana Zelenika concerning a
T-cell receptor transgenic model of tolerance against the male antigen H-Y.
She also analysed gene expression in tolerant versus non tolerant T-cells, and Th1, Th2 and Tr1(Treg) anti-HY specific T cell clones, using Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE) and quantitative RT-PCR. She has recently returned to Spain and can be E-mail on
Lisa Gilliland
Lisa has now left the laboratory, and moved to Edinburgh with her husband Christopher. However, she occasionally works
as a part-time consultant on antibody engineering.
Click here for a list of publications
Yuan Zhai
Yuan has now returned to the Dumont-UCLA Transplant
Center and can be E-mailed here.
Vicki Strong
Vicki has successfully completed her DPhil. and is now working for PharmaVentures Ltd. Her
E-mail is
Karen Honey
Karen has now successfully finished her D.Phil, and is continuing as a post-doc in Seattle.
She can be E-mailed on
Diana Zelenika
Diana has now got a job in Paris, continuing with SAGE but in different systems.
She can be E-mailed at the Institut
Gustave Roussy, INSERM U362, 94805 Villejuif.
Alasdair Coles
Alasdair has returned to the Department of Neurology,
University of Cambridge, where he is continuing
collaborating with us and can be E-mailed
Sara Thompson
Sara has also moved to Cambridge and now works for Alasdair,
continuing the collaboration started in Oxford.
E-mail here.
Frederike Bemelman
(Currently at the Academic Medical Centre, Department of Nephrology, Amsterdam, Holland)
Tolerance against the "self-superantigen" MLS, and the role of "anergic" T-cells in immunoregulation. We hope to continue this work in collaboration between Amsterdam and Oxford.
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Note the amc.uva server seems to be down a lot!
Lucienne Chatenoud
(visiting Scientist: now returned to Paris)
Non-activating CD3 monoclonal antibodies for immunosuppression
Subpopulations of thymocytes able to act as immunoregulatory T-cells in
transplantation and autoimmune models.
Click here to send E-mail
Ammu Krishnan
Development of new antibody expression vector systems (but she has now returned to Malaysia
and this work is being continued by Mark Frewin). Note that E-mail to her does not seem that reliable!
Click here to send E-mail to her new E-mail address.
Cath Raven
She has now started a PhD. in Bath.
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Olan Dolezal
Currently at the CSIRO working on tolerance!
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Mark Powell
Mark now has his D. Phil. and is working for Novartis:
3155 Porter Drive,
Palo Alto, CA. USA.
Click here to send E-mail
Matt Wise
Matt worked on engineered, non-activating CD3 monoclonal antibodies for models of immunosuppression and
the role of tolerant CD4 positive T-cells in maintaining tolerance to MHC class I using a T-cell receptor transgenic model.
He also investigated the mechanisms of MHC-I directed graft rejection by CD4+ T-cells. He is now returned to clinical medicine.
Jennifer Babik
Jenn successfully completed her D. Phil. and is now continuing her studies at Stanford Medical School.
Professor Ivan Lefkovits
Ivan joined us for six months on sabbatical leave and has now returned to the Basel Institute. His main interests are in the Limiting Dilution Analysis of lymphocyte populations, and the development of methods to characterize and catalogue the patterns of gene expression and protein synthesis from a wide range of tissues and cell types. The latter involves the in vitro translation of robotically generated cDNA matrix libraries and computer analysis of 2D gel electrophoresis.
Click here to send Ivan E-mail at the Basel Institute
Click here to send E-mail via Oxford account
Last updated 17th September 2011.